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时间: 2021-07-17 17:26:07来源:思泽网 点击:
  1、Well,now they know;好了,现在他们都知道了
  2、Let it go,let it go;随心而行,随心而行
  3、Can't hold it back anymore;不能再抑制了
  4、Let it go,let it go;随心而行,随心而行
  5、Turn away and slam the door;转过身甩上门
  6、I don't care what they're going to say;我不在乎他们会怎样说
  7、Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧
  8、The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了
  9、It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small;可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小了
  10、And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了
  11、It's time to see what I can do;是时候看看我能够做什麼了
  12、To test the limits and break through;试验我的极限和突破
  13、No right,no wrong,no rules for me;没有对错,也没有规则规范我了
  14、I'm free;我自由了
  15、Let it go,let it go;随心而行,随心而行
  16、I am one with the wind and sky;我与风与天同在
  17、Let it go,let it go;随心而行,随心而行
  18、You'll never see me cry;你不会再看到我哭泣
  19、Here I stand and here I'll stay;我就站在这里,我留在这里
  20、Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧
  21、My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激荡空气深入地下
  22、My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上
  23、And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化为结晶如一阵冰风
  24、I'm never going back,the past is in the past;我不会再回去,过去已成往事
  25、Let it go,let it go;随心而行,随心而行
  26、And I'll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日从地上冒起
  27、Let it go,let it go;随心而行,随心而行
  28、That perfect girl is gone;那个完美女孩已不在了
  29、Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下
  30、Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧
  31、The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了!